Your service-based business deserves a ridiculously productive, low-cost Pinterest assistant that shaves hours off your workweek by doing all the heavy lifting on Pinterest.
But I’m not talking about hiring a flesh and blood human assistant.
You can focus on being the heart and brains behind your business by putting Pinterest marketing on software autopilot.
Easy ways to automate your Pinterest marketing strategy
Whether you’re already out of time and out of mind trying to execute your Pinterest strategy or just ready to pin smarter, not harder, this is for you!
I’ve teamed up with JumpStory once again to introduce you to four ways to get your time back on Pinterest – you can read it here!
Here’s a sneak peek of what I share!
– The one important criteria to keep in mind when using third-party software for Pinterest – you need to know this before automating anything.
– How it’s possible to batch a month’s worth of pins in less than a day (seriously, forget manual pinning, it’s not good for you).
– What if you had a way to pin evergreen or seasonal content automatically? Oh, wait, there is a way!
– Group boards are a thing of the past – here’s a better alternative that all the well-known people in your niche are using!
– Your audience will share your content to Pinterest without any incentive, but you need to do this one small thing first.

Click to read the post on the JumpStory blog >>
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